CAUCE is delighted to see our founding member honoured in such a manner, our sincere thanks go out to MAAWG and Return Path for this fitting gesture.

Seeking to throw a little light on those making the Internet a safer experience for all, the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group is now accepting nominations for the first annual J.D. Falk Award, named after the dedicated industry advocate who was instrumental in the growth of M3AAWG and other technical organizations.  The award, developed in conjunction with his employer Return Path, Inc. and his family, celebrates J.D. Falk’s life by honoring a specific achievement that enhances the Internet experience, protects end-users, and embodies his spirit of volunteerism and community building.

Nominees can be individuals or teams in an academic or company environment who have developed a service, created a specification or security mechanism, generated notable research, or produced other work reducing online abuse and improving the Internet.  The award comes with an honorarium provided by Return Path and M3AAWG will sponsor the winning candidate's attendance at the upcoming 26th M3AAWG General Meeting in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 23-25, where the award will be presented.  

“J.D. was a passionate leader and a creative technician who had an ardent sense of humor that came into play when he was facing down obstacles. He had a gift for bringing people together to accomplish difficult tasks. We believe it’s important to instill these qualities in the future of the Internet and are looking to recognize professionals who embody these values,” said Chris Roosenraad, M3AAWG co-chairman for messaging.

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Nominations for the J.D. Falk Award can be made here