CAUCE North America Inc.–The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (–Today announced at The Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group meeting (MAAWG) that it has received additional financial support from Return Path Inc. 

Cauce North America Inc.–The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (–Today announced at The Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group meeting (MAAWG) that it has received additional financial support from Return Path Inc.

The viewpoint of computer end-users is often one missing from the anti-abuse discussions, CAUCE works to ensure they have a place at the table and these stakeholders' unique and vital perspective is considered when formulating policy to help stop Internet abuse. As well, CAUCE actively works to assist training law enforcement agents in the investigation of illegal spamming.

CAUCE, after a decade of purely volunteer ad-hoc operations, officially incorporated in 2007 and began to accept paid memberships from individuals and sponsoring companies and organizations to help defray operating costs.

"The ongoing, and generous financial support of Return Path by way of their renewed corporate membership in CAUCE will help us to continue to advance the interests of the true victims of Spam 2.0 (the blended threat of spyware, spam and viruses), the computer end-users" said CAUCE president Dr. John Levine

Matt Blumberg, CEO of Return Path inc. said, "Supporting the interests of consumers is vital to the health of the email ecosystem, and CAUCE is uniquely suited to work in this area. Return Path is delighted to support CAUCE in its ongoing efforts to create a clean, well-lighted place where consumers can feel safe and confident interacting through email."

"This renewed corporate membership will allow CAUCE to maintain a demanding travel and conference schedule in the coming months, including ongoing discussions with lawmakers and governments, The London Action Plan/EU Contact Network of Spam Authorities conference in Portugal, and of course, having representation at MAAWG " explained John Levine

Levine continued "CAUCE was actively involved in the Canadian
government's Task Force on Spam in 2004-2005, the end-result of which
was the recent tabling of Bill C-27 in the parliament of Canada;
memberships such as that of Return Path Inc. allow us to continue to
directly involve ourselves in the legislative process".

About CAUCE, the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
North America was formed in March 2007 from a merger between the
original CAUCE in the United States and CAUCE Canada, combining the
strengths of the two sibling CAUCE organizations. CAUCE NA, as an
all-volunteer consumer advocacy organization, has moved beyond its
original mission of encouraging the creation and adoption of anti-spam
laws to a broader stance of defending the interests of the average
Internet user. CAUCE NA is led by a combined Board with a cumulative
century of experience in the field of Internet advocacy.

CAUCE NA represents the interests of Internet end-users to the following organizations

About Return Path
Founded in 1999, Return Path helps commercial email senders get more email delivered to the inbox. Our tools and services give senders the insight and resources to diagnose and prevent email deliverability and rendering failures by improving and maintaining their email sending reputations. Our Professional Services division then helps our client improve ROI and response by creating consistent and compelling subscriber experiences across the email customer lifecycle. Return Path runs the internet's most widely used third-party whitelist, the Return Path Certification Program. Return Path also invented the Sender Score, an email reputation measure based on data contributed by ISPs and other receivers of large volume email into the Return Path Reputation Network. We offer free access to our Sender Score to any sender, receiver or consumer of email at our reputation portal: Information about Return Path can be found at